How even a nervous, first-time Wedding MC with no comedy experience can entertain and dazzle the Wedding Guests with 101 funny, clean, and ‘Field-Tested’ Wedding Jokes...
The true story of what REALLY happened to a first time Wedding MC who used the Wedding MC Jokebook.
Now you can know the Secrets of Balloon Decorating and Be Your Own Balloon Decorator! This do-it-yourself guide will enable you to Save Hundreds of dollars & still Have The Look Of High End Balloon Decor! Anyone can do it with this easy step by step guide.Amazing Wedding Planning
Dear Bride-To-Be,
How much money can you put in your pocket if you saved just 10% on your wedding? It doesn't matter whether your wedding budget is $5,000, $10,000, or even $50,000.
Let's just say that your wedding budget is only $10,000. If you saved just 10% it would give you $1,000 in savings.
But what if you could save 30%?... 50%.... or even 80%?
Tim and Lisa's money saving tips and strategies made it possible for them to save $22,000 on their dream wedding.
Couples with tight wedding budgets from all over the world have experienced similar savings by following the same wedding budget friendly strategies used and taught by Tim and Lisa.

The Wedding Mc: A Guide To Success
Wedding Toasts Made Easy has also been featured on countless radio and television talk shows, including Martha Stewart Living and The John Tesh Radio Show. And I’ve been called upon to offer expert advice on wedding toasts in publications such as Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Hallmark Magazine, Forbes and The Washington Post.
High praise indeed. But tributes from our industry peers is often the best indication of a book’s value. Check out what's being said by wedding professionals around the world.